Tuition & Fees

Fees are subject to change

Sound Beginnings: 0-4 years

Sound Beginnings classes are held once a week over a semester. Each class is 30 minutes long. There are two 15 week semesters each school year. Click here for current class times. A parent or caregiver attends every class with the child.

  • Early-bird Tuition: $180 /semester¹ (paid by Lesson 1)
    Regular Tuition: $200 /semester¹ ($50 /month)
  • Registration: $20 / family /school year
  • Materials Fee: $38 /semester² (+S/H)
  • One time tote bag purchase: $8

¹ One sibling may also attend with a discounted tuition: Sibling age 2-4: $90 /semester OR sibling age 0-1: $45 /semester
² Includes Music Notebook, music album, and a small instrument

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Let’s Play Music:

First Year of Piano Course

Let’s Play Music (LPM) is for pre-school or kindergarten children 4-6 years old. Classes are held once a week over a semester. Each class is 45 minutes long. There are two 15 week semesters each school year. A parent attends class with the student every other lesson (odd lessons).

  • Early-bird Tuition: $240 /semester (paid by Lesson 1)
    Regular Tuition: $260 /semester ($65 /month)
  • Registration Fee: $25 /year³
  • Materials Fee: $91 /year⁴ (+S/H)

³ Includes a T-shirt
⁴ Includes set of Tone Bells, two Home Study Notebooks, Tote Bag and two Home Study music albums)

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Second Year of LPM

In the second year of LPM, classes are 50 minutes and parents come on the 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 15th weeks.

  • Early-bird Tuition: $280 /semester (paid by Lesson 1)
    Regular Tuition: $300 /semester ($75 /month)
  • Registration Fee: $25 /year
  • Materials Fee: $72 /year (+S/H)

Third Year of LPM

The third year is like the second year except that classes are 55 minutes long and fees are as follows.

  • Early-bird Tuition: $320 /semester (paid by Lesson 1)
    Regular Tuition: $340 /semester ($85 /month)
  • Registration Fee: $25 /year
  • Materials Fee: $79 /year (+S/H)